Summary of the specific drawbacks and dangers of alcohol abuse which include addiction, tolerance to alcohol, alcohol blackouts, and dangerous withdrawal.

Tolerance to Alcohol, Addiction, Alcohol Blackouts, and Potential Deadly Withdrawal: The Dangers of Alcohol Abuse

There are downsides to regular alcohol use and this post will go into detail about the certain drawbacks and dangers of alcohol abuse: addiction, tolerance to alcohol, alcohol blackouts, and dangerous withdrawal. These consequences can happen at various levels of alcohol intake for different people.  Learn more about what to look for with regular drinking. […]

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SIADH symptoms can be induced by psychiatric medication. What is SIADH hyponatremia? Know the causes of SIADH and the symptoms SIADH causes.

Take psychiatric medications? Be aware of SIADH hyponatremia and SIADH symptoms

Hyponatremia means a low amount of sodium in the blood. This may sound like a good thing since doctors are frequently telling people to limit salt intake, but in this case, the low sodium isn’t healthy and in fact, can be extremely dangerous. Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) is one of the conditions

Take psychiatric medications? Be aware of SIADH hyponatremia and SIADH symptoms Read Post »

Get help with anxiety. 48 recommendations for treatment of anxiety: apps, websites, and books on overcoming anxiety. Recovering from anxiety is possible!

48 of the Best Resources to Help with Overcoming Anxiety (Includes Help with Anxiety for Adults and Children!)

Anxiety is a treatable condition. Depending on the intensity, some people can get better on their own and others need therapy and/or medications to help with anxiety. Either way, recovering from anxiety is possible! There are great self-help options available to assist with the treatment of anxiety which includes websites, apps, and books on overcoming anxiety.

48 of the Best Resources to Help with Overcoming Anxiety (Includes Help with Anxiety for Adults and Children!) Read Post »

Disulfiram Antabuse is a medication for people struggling with alcohol addiction. Antabuse treatment can have unpleasant effects (called Disulfiram reaction) when Antabuse and alcohol are combined. How does Antabuse work?

How Does Antabuse Work? Everything You Need to Know to Decide if Disulfiram Antabuse Treatment is Right For You

Antabuse (Disulfiram is the generic name) is a medication given to people who are struggling with alcohol addiction and need medication to support their efforts to abstain. Breaking the cycle of addiction is extremely difficult and sometimes a person needs to medically remove alcohol as an option in order to begin to recover. Disulfiram Antabuse

How Does Antabuse Work? Everything You Need to Know to Decide if Disulfiram Antabuse Treatment is Right For You Read Post »

Preventing falls in the elderly can significantly improve quality of life. Fall prevention in the elderly needs to include education about increased risks from sleep aids and certain anxiety medications.

Fall Prevention in the Elderly: Improve Sleep and Reduce Anxiety Without an Increased Risk of Falling

Preventing falls in the elderly can significantly improve quality of life. Unfortunately, falling and injury happen too frequently. Fall prevention in the elderly is the result of common sense safety planning and education regarding contributing factors that set people up to fall. Many frequently used medications increase these risks, especially sleep aids and certain anxiety

Fall Prevention in the Elderly: Improve Sleep and Reduce Anxiety Without an Increased Risk of Falling Read Post »

Sexual side effects of antidepressants are common. Reduced interest in sexual activity from depression can be compounded by the antidepressants sexual side effects. If you are wondering about antidepressant sexual side effects, but too afraid to ask, this post is for you!

9 Facts About the Sexual Side Effects of Antidepressants: They are common!

Sexual side effects of antidepressants are common yet often people feel too embarrassed to discuss these with their doctor. To make it more complicated, a common symptom of depression is reduced interest in sexual activity. This can then be compounded by the antidepressants sexual side effects. If you are wondering about antidepressant sexual side effects,

9 Facts About the Sexual Side Effects of Antidepressants: They are common! Read Post »

What is Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome? A potentially life-threatening condition and one of the rare side effects of antipsychotic medications. Recognize Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome symptoms and start Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome treatment right away to cut down on this risky illness.

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome: Rare but Potentially Deadly Side Effects of Antipsychotic Medications

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) is a potentially life-threatening condition that is one of the rare side effects of antipsychotic medications. It is fatal in 10% of patients. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome symptoms need to be recognized early to cut down on this risk of death. NMS is an unpredictable and rare condition but because of the

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome: Rare but Potentially Deadly Side Effects of Antipsychotic Medications Read Post »

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