4 Myths About ADHD in Adults

ADHD myths can get in the way of people seeking treatment and contribute to the stigma against people with ADHD. According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 4.4% of US adults have ADHD although less than 11% receive treatment. Myths and stigma play a role in the huge discrepancy between the number of people with ADHD and the number with ADHD that receive treatment. Adult ADHD can cause significant challenges in relationships, employment, and self-esteem for people who are not adequately treated. read more

Top 10 books about ADHD

I’m frequently asked about what books I recommended on different mental health topics so I decided to compile a list of these books on my website. In this post, I will highlight my recommendations for the best ADHD books. There are many great ADHD books written but these are some of my favorites. These books about ADHD will benefit parents trying to help their children understand the diagnosis, couples struggling in their relationship because of the effects of ADHD, and adults with ADHD wanting to learn about executive dysfunction and be more aware of the ways ADHD has affected their lives. read more

ADHD? Calling Out Stigma: Doctor to Doctor

Recently I had an interaction online with a physician regarding his thoughts on ADHD treatment. (Let’s call him Dr. Stigma). This post is not about doctor bashing but more to point out the prevalence of stigma against those with a psychiatric diagnosis EVEN FROM WITHIN THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY. Stigma, unfortunately, is so indoctrinated into our culture sometimes people don’t recognize the pure ugliness of their words.

Dr. Stigma’s comments:

“Many patients use Ritalin and other stimulants to read more