Top Books on Executive Functioning Disorder

The last 2 posts I wrote are geared to empower people to take charge of their executive function skills (or help guide their loved one to do the same). In this post, I will cover my top recommendations for books to increase executive functioning strategies. Books on executive functioning disorder can provide new ideas for how to work more efficiently, effectively and make navigating life easier. This post includes recommendations for executive functioning books targeting 4 different groups: adults, parents, teens, and children. read more

The Ultimate Guide: 15 Tips to Improve Executive Function Disorder

Are you someone that struggles to stay organized? Has trouble following projects through to completion or even getting started? Is chronically late and forgets things that need to be done? Challenges with executive functions can wreak havoc but there are tools that can help compensate. Read my first post in this series for detail about executive functioning skills and executive dysfunction symptoms. This 2nd post covers options for executive function disorder treatment…or at least tips to create workarounds that can make life easier. read more

Executive Functioning Skills: Do You Have Them?

Calling it executive functioning makes these skills sound fancy, complicated, and only for the most sophisticated among us. But really executive functions are automatic skills that run in the background and are in charge of helping life run smoothly. They help us in almost all we do every day.  Regardless of how bright a person is, struggles with executive functioning (called executive dysfunction) will make it difficult to stay on top of tasks. Executive function deficits are often seen in ADHD, learning disabilities, and depression. read more

4 Myths About ADHD in Adults

ADHD myths can get in the way of people seeking treatment and contribute to the stigma against people with ADHD. According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 4.4% of US adults have ADHD although less than 11% receive treatment. Myths and stigma play a role in the huge discrepancy between the number of people with ADHD and the number with ADHD that receive treatment. Adult ADHD can cause significant challenges in relationships, employment, and self-esteem for people who are not adequately treated. read more