15 Interesting Facts About Alcohol: How Does Alcohol Work?

How does alcohol work in the body? Read these 15 interesting facts about alcohol to learn how it is absorbed and processed, how strong is a drink, how much is too much alcohol and when it becomes dangerous, and how long is alcohol in your system.

Drinking alcohol is ubiquitous in society but how does alcohol work in the body? Many people don’t know what it does or how it causes intoxication. Read these 15 interesting facts about alcohol to learn how it is absorbed and processed, how strong is a drink, how much is too much alcohol and when it becomes dangerous, how long is alcohol in your system, and how it can affect the liver.

1. Where is alcohol absorbed?

25% of alcohol is absorbed in the stomach in the first 5-10 minutes after consuming a drink. The rest of the 75% is absorbed in the small intestine. Even after you stop drinking, alcohol continues to be absorbed in the stomach and intestine and gets released into the bloodstream. read more