3 Tips For Exercise: How to Stay Motivated when Depressed

In the last 2 posts about exercise and depression, I discussed how to help depression. We talked about how exercise helps depression, why it’s important to exercise even if you take an antidepressant, and how to create a plan with achievable goals that are broken down into smaller action steps. Now its time to think about how to stay motivated when depressed. The motivation for exercise doesn’t come easily to many people. It is hard to get started with exercise but it also can be hard to keep going. Old habits can creep back in try to slow down your progress. Learn how to overcome depression and stay well. read more

Treating Depression with Exercise

Exercise isn’t just about physical fitness. It also benefits your mental health! Research supports the link between depression and exercise. Even 1 hour of exercise per week can be effective in helping you overcome depression. Learn how to increase your chance of success by treating depression with exercise and set yourself up for brighter days ahead. Get started and work to overcome depression today!

I am going to break this topic into 3 posts:

  1. This 1st post discusses the benefits of treating depression with exercise and why it’s important even if you start an antidepressant.
  2. The 2nd post will help you set achievable goals that will increase your chance to feel positive and get started with your plan.
  3. In the 3rd post, we will discuss how to maintain your goals with 3 tips to make it easier to stay on track exercising to overcome depression.

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3 New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Your Mental Health

The new year is a time to refocus priorities and set goals for the upcoming year. This year make a New Year’s resolution that will improve your mental well-being. Read ahead for 3 suggestions on how to improve your mental health!

Don’t set a goal by listing the end result you want! Break it down into smaller steps.

The more general or vague goals are, the less likely they will be achieved. Saying “I want to lose weight” is much less effective than saying “I am going to cut out soda”.

Or instead of thinking “I’m going to get in shape” plan out the necessary steps to do it such as “I’m going to go walking with my friend during our lunch break 3 times per week”. read more