Pulling weeds and psychotherapy: What do self-exploration, self-discovery, and gardening have in common?

As winter dredges on I find myself beginning to think about spring and the joys of planting a garden. Spring is one of my favorite times of the year, where life grows out of everything that appears dead. Buds pop from the clusters of sticks that are my hydrangea plants, and sprouts come out from

Pulling weeds and psychotherapy: What do self-exploration, self-discovery, and gardening have in common? Read Post »

Need help quitting Juul? Learn more about treating Juul addiction.

The quit-smoking techniques available for traditional cigarettes also work for people treating Juul addiction. A Juul e-cig is unique, but not so special that it needs separate therapies to treat Juul addiction. Nicotine addiction is the same, regardless of the delivery mechanism. Quitting Juul is hard but not impossible. Read the first post in this series

Need help quitting Juul? Learn more about treating Juul addiction. Read Post »

What is telepsychiatry? It is a virtual doctor visit. The virtual visit is just like regular medical appointments. Learn 3 benefits of virtual doctor visits.

What is Telepsychiatry? How a Virtual Doctor Visit Can Help You

Telepsychiatry visits are just like any other medical appointments- the only difference is they are conducted from the comfort of your own home or office using live video-conferencing. There are different names used for the same thing: virtual doctor visit, telehealth, telemedicine, telepsychiatry. They all mean the same thing: delivering health care services at a

What is Telepsychiatry? How a Virtual Doctor Visit Can Help You Read Post »

What is self-respect? It's the ability to live true to yourself. Let me define self respect and why it is an essential ingredient for mental health.

What is Self-Respect?

WHAT IS SELF-RESPECT? In my profession, I see lots of people who feel broken. Some have been struggling for years with depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc…. but others are broken because they are afraid to be themselves. I wish I had a magic wand or even a magic pill, anything to make it easier for people

What is Self-Respect? Read Post »

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